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Cubelets Discovery Set (Robot Blocks for Tactile Coding )

Product Code :
7,536.09 TL + VAT
9,043.31 TL (VAT Included)
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  • Cubelets Discovery Set  

    What is Cubelets?

    Cubelets are actually the generic name for robot blocks. Each Cubelet contains only one of the function classes called THINK - ACT - SENSE and can be easily integrated with each other with magnetic structures to create different robots. It is suitable for all age groups in robotic coding, STEM education and robot design. Cubelets blocks are designed on the basis of the Tactile Coding approach, which develops in parallel with coding software that works with drag and drop logic.

    Each block is like hardware specific to its function and a software package to run the hardware. You will notice that not only coding skills but also problem solving, concentration and communication skills improve, especially when children try these blocks to build a robot!

    Cubelets blocks have inspired many students from preschool to high school. Cubelets are frequently preferred in the classroom, at home, in maker workshops, camps, etc. and can enable every experienced and inexperienced user to learn something different and new.

    You will also be surprised to see how many educational materials and development/coding applications (Console, Cubelets App, Cubelets Blockly, Cubelets Flash) are prepared for teachers and parents by Modular Robotics, which produces Cubelets.
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    Get to know Cubelets Discovery Set!

    Cubelets Discovery Set is a Parents' Choice Foundation Parents' Choice Recommended Award® winning playset! It is designed for only 1 group of students and includes 5 Cubelets and a Bluetooth HAT. Ideal for basic robotics skills and is one of the smallest Cubelet Packs.

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    But the Cubelets Discovery Set is a great introduction to the Cubelets world of robot blocks. With Cubelets blocks, robotics education, coding education and developing different ideas are easier and more fun!

    Cubelets robot blocks make it easy for developers of all ages to imagine and build robots with different structures.

    Cubelets are a great aid for numerical thinking skills. Computational thinking is a fancy term for the methods computer scientists use to overcome challenges. It is used to solve complex problems and find repeatable solutions. Computational thinking is just one of the many skills educators love to teach with Cubelets.

     Set Contains:

    o  Battery Cubelets X1
    o  Brightness Cubelets X1
    o  Drive Cubelets X1
    o  Distance Cubelets X1
    o  Flashlight Cubelets X1
    o  Bluetooth Hat X1
    o  Brick Adaptor X2
    o  Exploration Guide X1
    o  Micro-USB charging cable X1


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     Briefly about Cubelets Blocks...

    o SENSE Cubelets --> All black Cubelets
    o THINK Cubelets --> All Cubelets with bright colors
    o ACT Cubelets --> All Cubelets with transparent color

    Depending on which block you are using in a location and how you sort them, the behaviour of the robot you make changes.
    cgs-18-b.jpg (588 KB)
    cgs-16-b.jpg (561 KB) Each Cubelet block plays a specific role within the robot:

    --> Black blocks or SENSE Cubelets are "input" blocks.
    They receive information (like light or distance)

    --> Brightly colored blocks are THINK Cubelets: Little brains
    they behave as such. They process information and can modify this information.

    --> Transparent blocks are ACT Cubelets. Function as "output"
     They perform actions such as spinning or lighting.
    Every robot you build will need a Battery Cubelet. This block provides power for your robot and has a switch on it to turn your robot on and off. If the power runs low, you can use the micro USB cable to recharge the Battery Cubelet. cgs-12-a.jpg (551 KB)
    cgs-17-b.jpg (611 KB) Cubelet blocks are attached to each other using magnetic faces. You don't have to worry about orientation because the connection can be achieved in any order. Most Cubelets have 5 connection faces and 1 special face that defines the function of the Cubelet.
    Cubelets blocks are modular. This means that you can use blocks of the same type interchangeably within a structure. You can replace any ACT Cubelet with another ACT Cubelet or any SENSE Cubelet with another SENSE Cubelet. cgs-1-a.jpg (598 KB)
    cgs-16-b.jpg (561 KB) TYou can control multiple ACT Cubelets with a single SENSE Cubelet. A single SENSE and many ACT blocks
    each ACT Cubelet is guided by a single SENSE Cubelet.
    Each black SENSE Cubelet detects some characteristic of the environment and converts it into a number. Transparent ACT Cubelets take the numbers that come to them and turn them into action. Imagine the number flowing from one block to another. Numbers are in a constant flow from SENSE to ACT blocks within each Cubelet block. cgs-6-a.jpg (562 KB)
    cgs-15-a.jpg (631 KB) When an ACT Cubelet receives numbers from multiple sources, it combines or averages the numbers it receives to do a job. Notice that numbers do not flow through SENSE blocks. Each SENSE block generates its own number, meaning that it does not pass numbers from its neighbours to other blocks.
    THINK blocks influence the numbers flowing in your robots. Each coloured THINK block has its own special function. It is very important to learn what these blocks can do so that you can build the robot you want. cgs-18-a.jpg (531 KB)
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    Rich Material & Community and Programming Environment Support: Modular Robotics doesn't leave teachers and parents alone after they buy the product. You can find lesson programs weekly and subject basis, dozens of videos showing the use of blocks, and sample applications on Modular Robotics' own page. You also have many application options for programming:

    o Cubelets Console: Web-based, no need to install it on a computer. With the data logger you can monitor the data flowing through the blocks.

    o Cubelets App: A different way to play with Cubelets robot blocks by controlling them remotely, without programming them.

    o Cubelets Blockly: Powered by Blockly, Cubelets Blockly is free and allows you to create programs with drag and drop logic without writing code.

    o Cubelets Flash: A traditional development environment where you can drag and drop C files to program the block you want.


    Quick Start Guide
    o  Projects with Cubelets
    Parents' Game Guide
    o  Sources for Instructorsr
    Cubelets Programming Tools
    o  Cubelets Blocks in Education
    Lesson Plans

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