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Actuonix Micro Linear Actuator, L12-10-210-6-P, Control: Potentiometer Fb, 6V

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3,815.47 TL + VAT
4,578.56 TL (VAT Included)
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  • Actuonix L12-10-210-6-P, Micro Linear Rod Actuator ( -P ), Control: Potentiometer Position FeedBack - 6V, 10mm Strok, 210:1

    Actuonix L12 miniature linear actuators are divided into four groups based on the control method such as: limit switch (-S), position feedback with a potentiometer (-P), built-in microcontroller (-I) and standard hobby type RC servo interface (-R). This product is in the position feedback (L12-P) group and has the following features:

       o 4 stroke options: 10mm, 30mm, 50mm and 100mm

       o 3 gear ratio options that can generate 22N, 42N and 80N force for different sized loads

       o With 2 supply voltage options, 6V and 12V, there are 24 variants in total!

    Like other Actuonix linear motors, the L12-P series as an electric piston is often used in smart furniture applications (TV and table lifts, hidden drawers), robotic motion systems, sunlight tracking structures and medical equipment, and some industrial automation applications!

    Important features of the Actuonix L12-10-210-6-P linear actuator:

    i) The L12-P series products do not have an internal controller or limit switch. Instead, it has a potentiometer that provides an analog position feedback signal.

    ii) L12-P series can be controlled with external control boards such as Arduino. However, when used with Actuonix's LAC actuator control board, it provides a wide range of control options: You can control the L12-P actuator with 0-5v, 4-20mA, PWM (RC servo) control methods via USB port via LAC board specific configuration software.

    iii) Non-standard requirements such as stroke limit adaptations, speed (slower than standard speed) and sensitivity adaptations and stall protection can be met with the LAC Card.

    iv) The connector on the L12-P series actuators has 5 terminals. The actuator stroke position can be monitored by providing a stable low and high voltage reference from terminals 1 and 5 and reading the position signal from terminal 2. The voltage at terminal 2 will vary linearly between the two reference voltages in proportion to the actuator stroke position.

    v) Similar to the other series, the L12-P series consists of a PMDC gearmotor, anodized aluminium shaft, brass screws, motor drive and control electronics.

    Actuator Types in the L12-P Series

    This Product L12-10-210-6-P :

    L12 10 210 6 P
    Rod Type  10mm: stroke length 210:1 gear reduction ratio  6V nominal supply voltage Control: Position Feedback via Analog Pot Signal 

    Compare this product with others in the L12-P Series:

    Gearing Options









    L12-P Technical Features

    Gear Ratio 50:1 100:1 210:1
    Peak Power Point 17N @ 14mm/s 31N @ 7mm/s 62N @ 3.2mm/s
    Tepe Efficiency Pointı 10N @ 19mm/s 17N @ 10mm/s 36N @ 4.5mm/s
    Maximum Speed (no-load) 25 mm/s 13 mm/s 6.5 mm/s
    Maximum Force 22N 42N 80N
    Back Drive Force 12N 22N 45N

    Stroke Options

            10mm                   30mm                  50mm                   100mm
    Mass 28g 34g 40g 56g
    Repeatibility (-I,-R,-P) ±0.2mm ±0.2mm ±0.3mm ±0.5mm
    Maximum Side Load 50N 40N 30N 15N
    Closed Length 62mm 82mm 102mm 152mm
    Potantiometer (-I,-R,-P) 1kΩ/mm ± 50% 3kΩ/mm ± 30% 6 kΩ/mm ± 30% 11 kΩ/mm ± 30%
    Voltage Options 12V / 6V
    Maximum Input Voltage 13.5V / 7.5V
    Standby Current (-I / -R) 3.3mA / 7.2mA
    Stall Current 246mA / 460mA
    Working Temperature –10°C to +50°C
    Maximum Duty cycle % 20
    Noise 55 dB,  @45 cm 
    Ingress Protection IP-54
    Mechanical Backlash 0.2mm
    Maximum Static Force 200N

    L12-P Compatible Accessories

    LAC.jpg (5 KB) LAC Control Board
    uzatma-kablosu.jpg (4 KB) Extension Cable
    Pozisyon-gosterge.jpg (4 KB)

    Position Indicator Display

    Technical Drawing

    actuonix-L12-boyutlar.jpg (139 KB)


    L12 Series Actuator Datasheet: Actuonix L12 Datasheet
    L12 Series 3D Model (IGES) 10, 30, 50 and 100mm: L12 3D Models (IGES)
    L12 Series 3D Model (STP): L12 3D Model (STP)

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